I need your help!

fashion, summer

  1. Kate Lately says:

    I’m so sad that your dress is sold out! I’ve seen it on you and a Facebook friend and I want it SO BAD.
    Unfortunately I can’t help with the problem…my pictures aren’t the greatest in quality on WordPress either, but I’ve just sort of dealt with it I guess. I thought I was the only one!

    K A T E L A T E L Y

  2. B.P. says:

    you are looking great as always, and belive me, it is not important, if you can get this dress or not,
    you are a beauty in all kind of dresses or skirts (probabely not in trausers…) , exspecially with bare legs (and we both know, that this is even in wintersnow not a problem for you)
    have a good time

  3. Kristina says:

    I would say to try exporting your photos in a different way – try saving at full resolution vs 72dpi or try saving for web, see if you can see a difference. Make sure that WordPress isn’t having to resize them either, you should be exporting at the size you need. Hopefully that helps!

    Kristina does the Internets

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