Thoughts on friendships ending

fashion, personal essay

  1. Sarah says:

    Nearly all of my “high school” friendships ended when I went to college. I grew up in a super rural area where people just don’t go to college. Some of them are working the same jobs they had in college. I found when I did move back that I just couldn’t relate to them anymore. We grew and changed and that was okay. No closure or anything like that.

    I can sort of see it happening now with a couple of my friendships, one in particular. She’s one of my best friends, but we’re both in the midst of major life changes and there’s a good chance that we’ll grow apart, not out of malice, but out of just – life.

    Rambling, but I know how hard it is when friendships you really cherish end!

  2. Laura says:

    Thank you for sharing your story! I can definitely relate to this. A few friends have come in and out of my life even though I wish I could say they all came and stayed. It’s always hard losing a friend, but sometimes it’s the best for both parties.
    I’ve definitely screwed up and made mistakes, but the friends who accept me for my flaws and love me regardless are essentially the ones I want to surround myself with. Sometimes you just have to let others go.

    Love your vulnerability in this. It’s something I struggle with every day. <3


  3. Varuna says:

    Perfect Outfit..

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