Life at 26 + What’s New


  1. B.P. says:

    Happy birthday to you and all the best for the coming year!!!
    Please stay as autentic, nice and erotic like you have been in the last years (from my point of view, 2015 was the best!!). Lots of luck to you. Your german admirer 😉

  2. abby says:

    Happy birthday & congrats on the house Madeline! My first house was a fixer upper too – 🙂 and so is my current one. House rehab is a bit addictive, have fun with it and whenever it gets frustrating just order a pizza and eat on the floor!

  3. Nikki says:

    Happy belated birthday and congrats on the house!! We bought a fixer upper about 2 years ago and have been working on it ever since. Prepare yourself – it is a LOT of work (obviously it depends on the shape it is in). It can be really stressful, but also so rewarding. It is actually nice to get it the way you want it, because I would feel a little bad about redoing things just because I didn’t like it if it wasn’t in terrible shape, you know? I wrote a whole enormously long post about what it is really like it have a fixer upper a while back. Let me know if you want to talk about things or vent when you get into it. Good luck!


    • madelinewp says:

      For sure – thanks so much Nikki. Luckily we’re living at our friends house for VERY cheap rent so we don’t have to live in a construction zone, which helps a lot! I’ll definitely refer to your post 🙂

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