How NOT to deal with burnout


  1. Aw, I can totally relate to this! I get this way a lot with the blog — I say yes to way too many things because they are great opportunities, but then I overcommit and miss deadlines and just generally tend to shut down. So saying “no” is definitely my path to sanity, even if that means missing out on something, but that’s OK!!

  2. Matija says:

    A lovely and honest post.

    I also struggled with saying no and I think I started to suffer from symptoms of burnout. I think I nipped it in the bud before it escalated because I wouldn’t say I ‘crashed’, but who knows where I would’ve gone if I hadn’t started saying no.

    Setting realistic expectations and living by these revised expectations takes time, but good on you for taking the first steps!

    Matija x

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