Sustainability during a global pandemic


  1. JoAnne says:

    Well said Maddy. One of mine and John’s favorite springtime activities is visiting the Magee Marsh Wildlife Refuge Area for the warbler migration. All human traffic inside the park is prohibited this year and I can’t help but wonder how much it will positively affect the birds and this much needed rest stop before they cross Lake Erie to their summer breeding grounds. On any given day in early may the parking lot is full with hundreds of pollution emitting vehicles, Not so this year. Will the birds and this unique habitat miss us? I don’t think so. They will be there this year without us, and perhaps thank us tenfold in years to come.

    • madelinewp says:

      I agree! i think the planet needed a break, and this is how she is getting one. I hope we can all make changes as we return to our “new normal” because the old normal is never coming back completely as it was!

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