5 awkward things about being in your early 20’s (+ a HUGE giveaway)

5 things, giveaways

  1. Lauren says:

    25 is just as awkward haha! I am pretty settled in a career and life, but now I second guess if I made the right decision lol! I think it’s safe to say all of your 20’s are awkward lol!

  2. Michaela says:

    I just turned 20 and I feel this way! I hope it gets better – soon!

    P.S. I still wear a shirt from 8th grade. Oops.

    Michaela || The Monogrammed Midwesterner

  3. Jackie says:

    Yikes…is it bad that I can relate to most of these at 27?

    Your twenties are just soooooo awkward – maybe even more than your teen years in some ways!

    Something About That

  4. Kate Lately says:

    This is SO TRUE. When I was 16, I thought by 22 I’d be a teacher, married and pregnant! None of those happened!! It’s so crazy to look back, but I think at 22 you know yourself a lot better and that’s always a plus.


  5. Lizzie says:

    ummm this is too real for me. hahahahaha.

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